Obama’s Notre Dame Speech, Full Text

Obama’s Notre Dame Speech: FULL TEXT

  • “Too many of us view life only through the lens of immediate self-interest…in which the world is necessarily a zero-sum game.”  [Look who’s talking.]
  • “Those with power…find all manner of justification for their own privilege.”  [Pot, I’d like you to meet Kettle.] 
  • The strong too often dominate the weak. [You don’t say!]
  • Read the whole speech…and look for the shameless plug for his book, The Audacity of Hope.

OBAMA INTERRUPTED at Notre Dame (Video)

Protests Build Ahead of Obama’s Notre Dame Speech


Why I Voted Democrat….


16 Responses

  1. What is really happening at Notre Dame? No one else is talking about it.

  2. Foxwood: Commencement is currently in progress. Obama hasn’t started speaking yet, but the transcript of his speech is available.

    Right now, they’re conferring the honorary degrees. Obama already got his.

  3. what arrogance what a Elitist racist pig, Obama is!!!

  4. His campaign speech…oops I meant commencement speech, was insulting on so many levels for me as a Conservative Catholic. Having respect and finding common ground for all views when it comes to abortion is not an option.

    And why am I not surprised that he had to put Islam on the same footing with Christianity.

  5. Bob: Obama loves himself dearly.

    GJ: I agree, there’s no middle ground. You can quibble about some of the peripheral questions, but it’s a yes or no issue. Ultimately, Obama has no interest in finding middle ground. He’ll be the first to remind you: “I won.”

  6. He’s hip and cool and smooth, so he does it because he can.

  7. Apparently, coolness is all that matters: http://www.tressugar.com/3075499

  8. I can’t even bring myself to read (or listen) to that “campaign” speech.

    It actually makes me physically ill to see those “Catholic” students applauding such a despicable human being.

    No matter – most of the Notre Dame students quit being Catholic soon after leaving school. Good job, Notre Dame! /sarc

  9. Adrienne: The speeches that came before and after Obama’s tripe were even worse. ND is obviously a very liberal institution.

  10. Let the purging begin. Jenkins, and the rest of the CASINOs (Catholics As Stated In Name Only) need to hit the road. It’s time the tables were turned over in the temple.

  11. Did you hear him say that some doctor didn’t like what was written on his website? The way he worded it made it sound like somebody ELSE had written it (‘fighting rightwing idealogues’). So, AGAIN, he threw his team under the bus and came out smelling like a rose. Is he responsible for ANYTHING?
    I just wish I could hear one thing I thought showed good character.
    So far, no good…….very disheartening.
    And they stood and stood and clapped and clapped.
    In America, style is so much more important than substance.

  12. DaBlade: Fr. Jenkins would be a great asset to Obama during the 2012 campaign. Some interesting lines:

    “Most of the debate has centered on Notre Dame’s decision to invite and honor the President. Less attention has been focused on the President’s decision to accept.” [Yes, it says so much about Obama — that he would use Notre Dame as a platform to advance his radical anti-life agenda. What a gracious guy!]

    “Obama is not someone who stops talking to those who differ with him.” [He never stops talking at those who differ with him.]

    “He turned his back on wealth to serve the poor.” [Oh really? He’s the most powerful man in the world and he has accumulated quite a bit of wealth.]

    Z: Yes, that little vignette definitely hit a raw nerve.

    The crowd was so in love with Obama, it was disgusting.

  13. Obamas don’t happen without useful idiots, and he spoke to a whole crowd of them at Notre Dame.

    A Catholic University bestowing an honorary degree on the most pro-abortion president in history…

    Oxymorons for Obama…

  14. foutsc: good point

  15. I would like to believe that there was a huge uproar over his appearance, but it did not appear that way to me. He received many applause during the speech and a warm welcome. This was just another venue for him to promote himself.

  16. TJG: Absolutely…just another campaign appearance.

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